If you are looking for some ways to fill the time with your kids over the next several weeks, I have some ideas for you. These are free or very cheap to do and most of them require minimal supplies. There’s something here for everyone. Older kids can help their younger siblings if they’d like and mom and dad can join in on the fun too. Since a lot of us will start the school year out by doing remote learning at home or full homeschooling, these ideas can help supplement any type of school you do at home.

1. Water Bottle Bubbles

This is a fun science experiment and only takes a few supplies that you probably have on hand at home. You will need a bowl with water, dish soap, a plastic water bottle with the bottom cut off and an old sock. Food coloring is optional, but not required. All 3 of my kids loved doing this experiment and it’s a little different than normal bubble blowing. You can find all the details on how to do this in the YouTube link below. My kids have loved watching all kinds of kids science videos on YouTube this week. Ryan’s World has some pretty fun ones.

2. YouTube Zoo and National Park tours

Speaking of YouTube, zoos all around the country are offering virtual tours right now. Some have tours of the entire zoo and some have live videos of a different animal every day. You can also take virtual tours of National Parks and other monuments including Yellowstone National Park, the Grand Canyon, the Statue of Liberty and more. We watched a virtual tour of the Statue of Liberty and it was really neat to see what it looks like inside. National Geographic even has some virtual underwater tours.

Image by Filio from Pixabay

3. Do fun exercise routines

If you need to get off the couch and be a little more active, try doing some fun exercises with your kids. Again, you can check YouTube for some fun kid exercise videos or you can just make up your own. I asked my daughter what exercises she did in PE at school and she had fun showing me and her siblings. She had us all joining in and getting a good workout.

4. Do a play of your favorite children’s book

If your kids have a favorite book that they love to read, or have you read to them, have them act out a few “scenes” from it. They can use props they find around the house and they might have fun pretending to be Curious George, Pete the Cat or one of the Berenstain Bears.

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5. Fence chalk designs

All you need for this activity is colorful chalk and painter’s tape. You can use the tape to make some cool designs on your fence or sidewalk and your kids can color inside the shapes with chalk.


6. Photo scavenger hunt

This is another fun activity to do if it’s nice outside. Write out a list of things to search for and take pictures of, then head out for a walk with your camera or phone. It can be as simple as sticking to your neighborhood or backyard or going on a nature hike.

7. Keep a journal of what you did each day

What is happening in the world right now is history in the making. Most of us have not experienced anything like this before and it has definitely changed our worlds temporarily. You can have your children record their thoughts and feelings about what is going on and they can also write about anything fun or exciting they did. It is good writing practice!

8. Picnic in the backyard

Even though places are starting to open back up, we still might limited on where we can go right now. If you just need to get out of the house, have a picnic lunch outside. Sometimes it’s nice to just get a change of view, especially if your kids will be doing school at home this Fall.

9. Have your kids make a meal

This is something for older kids to do and younger kids can help. They can either follow a recipe or get creative on their own. It’s a good lesson in Home Economics and a night off from cooking for you, depending on how much guidance they need. 🙂

10. Play board games

Board games are actually pretty educational. Most of them involve either numbers, colors and/or counting. This is a fun way to get those little brains thinking. One of my kids’ favorite games to play with me is Uno. Even my 4 year old knows his colors and numbers and has beaten me at the game many times. Other fun games are Skip-bo, Connect Four, Phase 10, Boggle, etc.

Not all education has to be text books and worksheets. Enjoy spending some extra time with your kids and see how fun learning can be.

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