
BLTA Sandwich

I love the BLTA Croissant from Red Robin. It’s what I get pretty much every time we go there. I’ve tried other menu items, but I love this sandwich so much that I just can’t resist ordering it. Since our kids have gotten old enough where they can’t just share my fries or meal when …

Other Ways to Save Money

All the benefits of Amazon Prime

I’m sure that by now you have heard of Amazon Prime. What did we do before we could order pretty much anything from Amazon, receive it 2 days after we ordered it, and not have to pay for shipping? If you didn’t know about Amazon Prime before, that’s pretty much it – you can order …

Other Ways to Save Money

Saving for Christmas

I know it’s hard to believe, and probably not something you want to think about right now, but Christmas is only 6 months away. On the one hand, 6 months sounds like a long time. On the other hand, when you are saving up for something, it’s really not that long at all. There are …


The benefits of collagen powder

I first learned about collagen powder when I was pregnant with my third child a couple of years ago. I needed to add more protein to my diet and a chiropractor I was seeing recommended I start taking it. She was also pregnant at the time and she said it was a really easy way …

Other Ways to Save Money

How to save money on kids clothes

Kids clothes can be expensive. Especially when they only wear them for a few months or a year at most. The thought of spending a lot of money on a shirt or pair of pants that might just end up getting worn out, or not worn very long does not sound appealing to me. Since …

Other Ways to Save Money

Why I love my Ninja Coffee Bar

As you know, I love coffee. I love it in all forms, but I especially love iced coffee drinks. While I would love to visit my local coffee shop every day for a coffee drink, that’s just not possible in the budget. Last year I started getting curious about making my own coffee drinks at …

Menu Planning

Tips and tricks for camping meals and prep

Camping season will be here soon! I’ve been camping many times over the last several years and I’ve learned a few things that make the prep work easier and your camping trip more enjoyable. I will also share some of my favorite recipes for camping meals, many of which you can make ahead of time. …


Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins

I love how versatile muffins are. There are so many different recipes for them and they are great for breakfast, a snack, or to have with a morning cup of coffee. These Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins are one of my favorite recipes and I make them all year long. They make a huge batch so …


Mom’s potato salad

I love potato salad. There’s just something about it that says Summer! To me a BBQ or picnic is not complete without it. My mom has a great potato salad recipe that she has been making for as long as I can remember. One common ingredient that most potato salad recipes have is vinegar. My …


Ham and potato casserole

There is nothing like a good comfort food casserole and this ham and potato casserole definitely fits into that category. It is creamy and delicious and easy to put together. It’s also a great way to use up leftover Easter ham. I start by dicing 7 or 8 russet potatoes depending on how big they …